Sunday, June 14, 2015

Blanks of Mine, Callig'd by Others

So, one of my favorite things is to make blanks.  I'm improving my calligraphy, but it still makes me a little twitchy.  I realize that I have come a long way from where I started- and am getting to the point where I can understand why calligraphers get all zen and zoned.  In this post I would like to showcase some of the Calligraphers who have finished my blanks. They allow me to experience the joy of painting just for the sake of painting.  <3

These are just from the Midrealm, Drachenwald's calligraphers will get their own post when I track down the emails and facebook messages with the pictures in them. 

Baron Wilhelm Michalik -Illiton

 No words are necissary for this one.  Look how TINY it is.  He's a miracle worker to fit that many words into so small a space.  

THL Eleanora Saunfayle-Ayreton

If you go 3 posts down, you will see a full blog entry on the one done by Mistress Gianetta- Ayreton. 


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