I've restarted an old project of mine, a goal I had long ago, to do every Illuminated page of MS. W.016
These are pages 13 to 310. These are placeholders for the ones I've started but not yet completed.
I've restarted an old project of mine, a goal I had long ago, to do every Illuminated page of MS. W.016
These are pages 13 to 310. These are placeholders for the ones I've started but not yet completed.
I am leaving this resource here so I don't lose it. I have not yet had a chance to explore it in any depth, but it definitely looks promising.
I've been doing some work for An Tir these days. This is one I chose at random, in no particular order. It is a Knighting scroll, as you can clearly see. <3
I used finetec square gouache and watered it down to ink level then used a crow quill to place it on the page. It was quite fiddly, but once I figured out the water/paint ratio it was fine.